Doug Aldrich Q & A: Jul-1999 Japan Tour
Jul-1999: Japan Tour Doug Aldrich
- 01. What are you thinking of when you're playing on the stage?
- I am really into the music, I am trying to get inside of myself and pull out some inspiring moments.
- 02. What the reaction from the crowd at the lives makes you happy?
- When everyone is dancing and having a wild time!
- 03. Were there any nice surprising reactions from the fans at the lives?
- Everyone was very supportive.
Our very first show was in Osaka and it felt great.
- 04. If you hadn't been in a band, what kind of job would you do?
and could you be a specific for the reason.
- I don't know, but I could not work a normal job because I like to sleep late. I would like to do sometihing interesting. Maybe a job like a Pilot.
- 05. What does "Smooth Locomotion" mean? I couldn't find my dictionary.
- Smooth Crazy Movement
- 06. What brand of the hair conditioner is your favourite? Why are you particular about the hair conditioner? Is it a hair rinse or a hair treatment?
- I just use whatever my wife has. She always gets good products. I think it is just a normal conditioner. I don't remember the name. I think some people are very particular about the products but I don't care too much.
- 07. Where did you write on the Burning Rain Web Board?
- In Los Angels from my home and also in Osaka. I wrote to say hi on the web board. I'm not sure what you mean but I hope I answered this OK.
- 08. Have you still been keeping up a relationship with Zakk Wyled?
- I last saw him at the new car dealer in Los Angels. I was with Stacy and he was with his wife. We were both getting new cars.
- 09. What is the vogue of your own at the moment?
- My style is hard work and then relaxing.
I have been recording with some Rap music people in Los Angels. I also played a gig in L.A. with a Rapper named "DAME LEE"
- 10. What would you do if the great king of the fear had fallen down the sky?
- I would protect my family and my cats.
and I would open a can of "Woop Ass" on him.
- 11. If you won National lottery, waht would you use for?
- I would save it mostly, But I would want to help my family. I would want my family to have no money worries.
- 12. What food are yiu good at cooking? Please tell me the recipe.
- I can cook a Great Breakfast. Eggs, Bacon and Hash browns. I use secret seasning only available in Autumn.
- 13. Would you describe your self as an animal? and please tell us the reason why.
- I think cats have a complex personality. I am a deep person and also have a lot of sides to me. I think cats have a great life. They sleep, eat, and play.
- 14. Would you describe your self as a color, and why?
- PURPLE. I don't know.
- 15. Don't you change your PC to buy newer one? I recommand you "iMac" because of it's inexpensive.
- Yes. Thank you.
- 16. How was the JAPAN Tour?
- The Japan tour was a bit streesfull for us. But I still had a Great time! I must sleep for a week new to recover!
- 17. Please give a message to your fans.
- The tour was GREAT! We had an amazing time in Japan. I hope the fans had a Great time. Everyone was really cool to us. It was the first time for in Japan for some of the touring members. They as I did the first time I came to Japan will never forget it. VIVA JAPAN!
Jul-1999: Japan Tour Doug Aldrich Handwriting
- 01. What are you thinking of when you're playing on the stage?

- 02. What the reaction from the crowd at the lives makes you happy?

- 03. Were there any nice surprising reactions from the fans at the lives?

- 04. If you hadn't been in a band, what kind of job would you do?
and could you be a specific for the reason.

- 05. What does "Smooth Locomotion" mean? I couldn't find my dictionary.

- 06. What brand of the hair conditioner is your favourite? Why are you particular about the hair conditioner? Is it a hair rinse or a hair treatment?

- 07. Where did you write on the Burning Rain Web Board?

- 08. Have you still been keeping up a relationship with Zakk Wyled?

- 09. What is the vogue of your own at the moment?

- 10. What would you do if the great king of the fear had fallen down the sky?

- 11. If you won National lottery, waht would you use for?

- 12. What food are yiu good at cooking? Please tell me the recipe.

- 13. Would you describe your self as an animal? and please tell us the reason why.

- 14. Would you describe your self as a color, and why?

- 15. Don't you change your PC to buy newer one? I recommand you "iMac" because of it's inexpensive.

- 16. How was the JAPAN Tour?

- 17. Please give a message to your fans.

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