Nov.24, 1997
Doug: Rod Stewart tribute album
The Rod Stewart tribute album &qout;Forever Mod" is out now from Victor Entertainment. Doug played "Let Me Love You" (BMRFC news paper)
Nov.23, 1997
from BMRFC news paper
Doug was planning to go to Japan for his solo shows, but he can't. He said "It was too late I guess to come this time".
Kal, it's not sure what he's doing now.
Ian is working on a Video production.
Jackie got married on Nov. 15. Congratulations! and I forgot to put it on this page that Nov. 8 was his birthday. Happy Birthday, Jackie!!
BMR P.O.Box is still closed. If you want to write to each members, send letter to
the adress.
45 East Putnum Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 USA
Doug Aldrich (Bad Moon Rising) c/o Lewis Entertainment
Notice......This adress is just TO Doug Aldrich. So if you send the others, you must put the letter into an envelope and put it into aother envelope. and Please don't forget to write to Doug that you want to give the letter to whom.
Oct.31, 1997
Doug Aldrich
Doug has been doing sessions and writing songs.
Oct.26, 1997
Doug: guitar magazine
His guitar lecture "How To Make A Demo" is in guitar magazine -vol. 22. (BMR FC)
Sep.14, 1997
Doug's message
I guess I'm coming in Nov. I really wanted to come for Halloween, cause it is more fun
Aug.20, 1997
Doug: Released Guitar Instructional Video "The Electro-LESSON"

Doug's Guitar Instructional Video "
The Electro-LESSON" is released in JAPAN. (PONY CANYON/YOUNG GUITAR)
Aug.13, 1997
Ian: Zakk Wylde live tour in JAPAN
Ian is in JAPAN now for supporting Zakk Wylde live tour.
Jul.13, 1997
Doug: Guitar instructional Video
Doug Aldrich's Guitar instructional Video (YOUNG GUITAR magazine) will come out from PONY CANYON on AUG. 20. The title is THE ELECTRO-LESSON. (From YOUNG GUITAR magazine's August '97 issue)
Jul.07, 1997
Doug Aldrich
Doug might come to JAPAN to tour in Oct.
Jul.02, 1997
Doug: ElectroVision is in store now!

His 2nd solo album "
ElectroVision" is out today in JAPAN (PONY CANYON)
Jun.30, 1997
Kal Swan
Kal is working on a project called "Electric sun". He supposed to be working with producer Mack again, of BAD MOON RISING and BLOOD albums. His site is
Jun.10, 1997
Doug: Guitar instructional Video
Doug's Guitar instructional Video (YOUNG GUITAR magazine) will come out from PONY CANYON on Aug.20. (From YOUNG GUITAR magazine's JULY '97 issue)
Jun.05, 1997
Doug: Solo Album
His solo album "ElectroVision" will be released on July 2.
May.31, 1997
Doug: Solo Album
The "ElectroVision" CD Booklet will carry an all
the songs' explanation by Doug Aldrich. The album is gonna be released in only JAPN.
In the other countries, there is no plan to release it as yet. The songs' titles are
here. (From BMR Fan Club News paper)
May.26, 1997
BMR P.O.Box closed......Letters I sent to BMR returned to me today.
May.25, 1997
Doug: Solo Album
Kal sang a Ballad on Doug Aldrich's Album "ElectroVision" and the song was a out take of "OPIUM FOR THE MASSES" (BMRFC)
May.07, 1997
Doug Aldrich's Solo Album
ElectroVision will be released on June 18 !!
(Vocals)-----Kal Swan ARon YoungAMatt Kramer
(Drums)------Chris Frazier
(Bass)-------Robbie Harrington
(Keyboads)----Dizzy Reed
May.06, 1997
Doug: Solo Album
Guest Vocalists are Kal Swan (B.M.R.), Ron Young (MANIC EDEN), Matt Kramer (ex. SAIGON KICK).
The album title will be ElectroVision and out on June 18 (PONY/CANYON).
Apr.20, 1997
Kal Swan's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Kal!!
Apr.08, 1997
Doug: Rod Stewart tribute album
Doug played "Let Me Love You" on a Rod Stewart tribute album (DeRock Records)-From BURRN! magazine's MAY '97 issue
Apr.01, 1997
Message from Doug Aldrich
"I'm mastering my new record on Monday at A&M Studios with Dave somebody. It turned out great and Kal sang on a ballad." (3-29-97)
(From Bob Decker, Jr.-metal director, WRKC)
Mar.30, 1997
Doug: Solo Album
He's just done mixing the new record, and it should be in the store on June 18. The drummer is Chris(fraz) Frazier, and bass player is Robbie(chaka)Harrington.
Kal is still writing songs for a possible record, and Ian and Jackie have been busy.
Mar.29, 1997
Doug: Solo Album
His new album will be released in June or July.
Mar.26, 1997
Kal: Solo Album??
A radio program said that "Kal is working on his own solo album"......How about B.M.R.'s new album??
Doug will be done with his new solo record soon.
Feb.19, 1997
Doug Aldrich's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Doug!!
Feb.09, 1997
Doug: Mike Vescera Project
He played "Words Unspoken" on Mike Vescera Project album WINDOWS and the album been released from PONY CANYON. (From BURRN! magazine's Feb '97 issue)
Feb.04, 1997
Right now he is getting ready to record with his own solo band. Chris Frazier is on drums, and Robbie Harrington is on bass. The new stuff is really inspiring. It is his best guitar work.
Kal is writing songs. I heard some of the stuff and it is good. It is very different though, kinda like Seal or somthing." (1-11-97) -From Bob Decker, Jr.-metal director, WRKC
Jan.30, 1997
What's new with BMR
There's nothing new... they haven't done anything as BMR for a while.
Doug is working on his solo album and spend much time in a studio.
Kal helps his friend with his(?) album or something and spend much time in a studio, too. (From Wyatt Management)
Jan.16, 1997
Doug: Hit Parader magazine
Hit Parader's Feb '97 issue did a great review on "Doug's High Centered" cd in the Indie Review section (four out of five stars). Bob Decker, Jr. gave the info and is the metal director of an American college radio station (WRKC-King's College). He proudly plays BMR's music on his show every week. - Pennsylvania's No.1 BMR/Doug A. fan.
Jan.14, 1997
Ian Mayo's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Ian!!
Dec.16, 1996
Jackie Ramos
Jackie played in the band called OUTPATIENCE. (From BURRN! magazine's Jan '97 issue)
Nov.30, 1996
Doug: Mike Vescera Project
Doug is playing the guitar on the album.
Kal: Sega Saturn
Kal sang on Sega Saturn-Necronomicon (2songs-2version)
Nov.08, 1996
Jackie Ramos's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Jackie!!
Sep.28, 1996
I heard that Kal and Doug didn't have a good relationship, recentry. Is that true?
Sep.23, 1996
He was the featured artist on The INSTRUMENTALS OF ROCK program. The show broadcasts on the radio in the U.S.. For Further Info click
here (Avalanche Records).
Sep.20, 1996
Opium For The Masses
Opium For The Masses has been Relesed in The U.S. and also eelesed in JAPAN today. A single "Moonchild" released to radio is already getting airplay.
Aug.18, 1996
Doug: Cross Fire-A Salute To Stevie Ray
Doug played "The House Is Rockin'" for the Stevie Ray Vaughn tribute album.